Building the
Beloved Community
The Comprehensive Development Plan, or “CDP,” is Atlanta’s guide for growth and development. The CDP shows the important relationships between land use, transportation, housing, economic development, nature, historic preservation, and other aspects of city building. It’s planning done at the scale of the city with an emphasis on implementing change. When done well, comprehensive development planning is the foundation for predictable, well managed growth and development.
Plan A is about being more intentional about how we grow, which means prioritizing people and places and putting infrastructure in service to our lives. Plan A starts to align several plans and initiatives using Atlanta City Design as a framework to design a future Atlanta with greater density and diversity while conserving the unique character and scale of our neighborhoods.
The City adopted the current Plan A in 2021, and we are now working on updating the plan. Over the next two years, our Planning Studio will lead the planning process with robust community involvement coupled with insightful analysis.
Our final Plan A will articulate a citywide Community Vision for the next 5, 10, 15 years and more. That vision guides the city-building activities contained in every section, or Element, of the plan. Each element starts with a Vision followed by a set of Goals stating desired near- and long-term outcomes. Together, these Vision and Goals let us know what we are working to accomplish. To realize these Visions and Goals, each element contains a set of Needs and Opportunities, identified during the planning process to define urgent issues to be addressed as we move forward.
A series of Policies related to the Needs and Opportunities in each element, along with a list of proposed Actions, point to the necessary steps for implementation.
The Department of City Planning is leading an 18-month planning process to update the current Vision and Goals, Needs and Opportunities, Policies and Actions in every Element of Plan A. The current comprehensive development plan builds on past plans as well as years of analysis, decision-making, public engagement over other plans and initiatives. The current Plan A is our starting point, but the plan requires that we continue to work together to ensure it reflects the aspirations of all Atlantans. Together, we can make an Atlanta that is for all.